Saturday, May 17, 2008


Last weekend I went with a group from my school to build houses with Habitat for Humanity in Hajdúböszörmény. The Habitat for Humanity program is awesome, I went with them last year to Szarvas also. The day I was leaving my dad came in and said that all morning he had been thinking about how the missionaries that are serving around there should come and help us. So with in a couple hours we had it planned out for 6 missionaries: Sister Tanner, Sister Ringling, Elder Sears, Elder Wilson, Elder Dillman, and Elder Christensen to come help us. It was hard work, a lot of fun, and I was very sore the next day but it was a neat experience. After digging trenches for 2 hours and then spending the afternoon plastering I became so grateful for my wonderful apartment (and my house in Utah)- and especially grateful for the fact that I didn't have to do any work to live in them.

This is where we were- close to the Romanian boarder

These are the missionaries resting for lunch

They were hard workers and great to have around. It was really funny (and maybe not a coincidence) that one of the american volunteers there had been tracked into the day before and they had been.. well lets just say they weren't nice. After the missionaries left this couple told me numerous times how impressed they were with these young Mormon Missionaries

I love these two Sisters! Sister Ringling and Sister Tanner <3


Krischelle said...

I am so glad you are blogging. We talk on the phone so much, but it is so fun to see all of your pictures and hear about your stories! The Romania video made me cry. You are going to be so happy that you have all of these amazing experiences recorded! Love Ya

Heidi said...

Whit, This looks like it was such a cool experience. You really are having some amazing moments over there in Hungary!
You look beautiful!
I am so happy you are blogging!!!! I LOVE YOU!