Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Long and Winding Road to Jerusalem

I have been in Jerusalem for 1 month now and everyone here is blogging like crazy, and I have been meaning to revive my blog and so here it goes.... I am entering the blogging world once again. I am going to have to play catch-up for a little bit, because I might as well start with when I began this adventure.
From the time that I decided that I wanted to go to BYU, I have dreamed of following in the footsteps of Kiersten, Jeff, Amber, and Derek and attending BYU Jerusalem. I thought and prayed about it a lot and coming winter semester 2011 seemed to be the best option for me. As the time approached, and definitely since then it has become more and more obvious to me that I am meant to be here right now.
On January 5, I safely arrived in Jerusalem! After 4 different flights, 3 layovers, starving (I kept sleeping through meals), 7 personal interrogations, and meeting a ton of wonderful people I made it, and it is even more amazing than I could have imagined. I started at 4:30 Am on January 4 and arrived in Israel at 3 PM on January 5, confused as can be. When we got off the plane we had to go through Israeli customs. We were warned to tell them that we were just visiting the holy land and not to tell them that we were students because then we would need student visas (which we dont really need cause we are at an american university and we are leaving the country twice to renew our tourist visas...). Well the lady who I was lucky enough to get as i went through coustoms didn't like Americans. She asked me why I was there. And i responded to visit the Holy Land. She then went on to ask me How long I was staying (wanted to see my returning tickets), where I was staying (when I said I didn't know she freaked out on me), who was picking me up at the airport, who I was with, why I was really coming... all this time she was being very rude and untrusting and I just would smile and give her straitforward answers back. But inside I was freaking out cause she didn't want to let me go through! She then asked me what I wanted to see while in the Holy land. At that moment my mind went completly blank and everything I know about the Holy Land evaporated from my mind, and so I said the dome of the rock and Bethlehem and other sites. She said what else. and I couldnt think of anything at all! I said I wanted to spend time in Tel Aviv also. She asked to visit what?, I said the Beach! She then glared at me and said its winter. Then she started lecturing me about how when you go someplace like New York you know ahead of time where you want to visit, such as the statue of liberty and ground zero.
She continued to lecture me and intterogate me and then she talked to the woman in the booth next to her and then called security. Another woman (security) came and retrieved me and took me back into a room where I waited for a long time, I was then individual interrogated by 3 more people at separate times. At this point another boy was placed in the room who I had met earlier. After two more interviews we were finally released. My heart was racing and I was sweating... but heck it was quite the experience! And it was very fun to tell all of the big eyed students who were waiting for us for that whole time (luckily there were other people waiting for their luggage so we wern't the only ones being waited on). I lucked out with my luggage, the people who checked in directly before me and after me at the airport dont have any luggage.
We then took a bus to the center and began even more orientation. The center is unbelievably gorgeous and I the people here are wonderful. Something about it reminds me of the mission. Living in the center of the action. Having senior couples that tell you they love you. Opening and closing every 10 minutes with prayer. Its wonderful.
The most amazing experience to me yet was when we got to the center and we had our welcoming orientation. We opened the meeting with singing Redeemer of Israel accompanied by the most elaborate organ in Israel (so they said) by one of the senior couples who is a byu organ professor. As we were singing the blinds that were covering the massive windows that overlook the old city were opened and It felt like we were singing to all of Israel about Christ. Go back and read the words of the song. It was really an amazing experience.
This is Jerusalem seen from the Ramparts walk- A path on top of the city walls. Thank you to one of my greatest friends here, Ashley Crist (who is a photographer) we had some amazing photos.

This is the daily scenery as walk up from the center on the way to the old city.
One of the first things we did is take a tour under the center. I guess they take you there so you don't get curious and venture there on your own. I left my mark so that my kids, and their kids, can see that I was there. It was so fun to see the names of people who came in the early 90's still on the wall. I can't imagine the chalk lasting that long, but my roommate went down in a group after me and went over it with a permanent marker. Thank You Bethany!

1 comment:

Krischelle said...

I'm so glad you are blogging. Keep it up, because I love to be filled in with what you are doing. (Not that emails aren't great too, you know I love them) I am updating my blog too. Love you sis